Reached Bangalore and checked in to my rooms for a holiday stay ( or shud I say a hard earned vacation after my chaebol stint at Hyundai). Earlier Saw this book '' Its not about the bike : My journey back to life ,the auto bio of Lance Armstrong '' at the airport. Lance had become synonymous with cycling and tour de France. Being myself a speed freak be it F1 GP or Biking or cycling or be it the aircrafts. Lance shares with my other hero Schumi,Senna as well as the Ferrari V engine whom, I had idolized . Read thru the cover note and found to be neatly laid and inspirational one too. The 16$ price tag was something my eyes soured over.The book was still in my mind and as usual took a BMTC bus to the residency road ,scouted thru the Church Street , and there found the book seller Murugan , after speaking to him in some broken Kannada & Tamil got the book at Rs.50 / ( slightly > $1 ,as this being a pirated one).He respects me a lot as I had been one of his patron customer since 2004 (god, he easily makes 300 – 400 a month from me) .
Then went back to my room after my routine visit to the India coffee house on MG road gulping in 2 hot southi coffees ( not the filter ones) . Started reading this book and lo had finished half the book and didn't notice that 5 hrs have gone on this. Am still reading on , but the reason for me to sit on this blog is thou it had served my appetite of speed, adventure, comeback spirit ,team building and as usual a beautiful description of the virgin countryside and the forests , what has really affected me is the parental care and the upbringing of children pointed there.Mention of single mother,single father, divorcé ,partner etc… was as common as an adjective or a conjunction.
Upbringing of Lance had been a peculiar one by his single mother , who wud have changed 3 partners at least ,but noneth she mad sure Lance got all he wants. The mother son relationship had been portrayed with excellent hue's .
From my own instance , I had opportunities to grow / interact with buddies from a similar backgrounds. They really crave for the conventional home setup. Many a times I had thought & felt sorry for them. One set of these individuals are highly introvert and they banish themselves in to oblivion in a course of time ,in a bid to erase the past for reasons unknown. They either change their topographical co-ordinates or snap all the contacts .Then there are the ones who live up with the society like our hero Lance. I feel these individuals are self made / independent to the core & and can handle any crisis with élan than other individuals from conventional households.
It is also on our part ( I wont say onus ,as these are purely individualistic) to share and foster whatever u can with these individuals, as you will find people who treasure your relationship than anybody else ,as they know what it is to have a person who cares for them….
Then went back to my room after my routine visit to the India coffee house on MG road gulping in 2 hot southi coffees ( not the filter ones) . Started reading this book and lo had finished half the book and didn't notice that 5 hrs have gone on this. Am still reading on , but the reason for me to sit on this blog is thou it had served my appetite of speed, adventure, comeback spirit ,team building and as usual a beautiful description of the virgin countryside and the forests , what has really affected me is the parental care and the upbringing of children pointed there.Mention of single mother,single father, divorcé ,partner etc… was as common as an adjective or a conjunction.
Upbringing of Lance had been a peculiar one by his single mother , who wud have changed 3 partners at least ,but noneth she mad sure Lance got all he wants. The mother son relationship had been portrayed with excellent hue's .
From my own instance , I had opportunities to grow / interact with buddies from a similar backgrounds. They really crave for the conventional home setup. Many a times I had thought & felt sorry for them. One set of these individuals are highly introvert and they banish themselves in to oblivion in a course of time ,in a bid to erase the past for reasons unknown. They either change their topographical co-ordinates or snap all the contacts .Then there are the ones who live up with the society like our hero Lance. I feel these individuals are self made / independent to the core & and can handle any crisis with élan than other individuals from conventional households.
It is also on our part ( I wont say onus ,as these are purely individualistic) to share and foster whatever u can with these individuals, as you will find people who treasure your relationship than anybody else ,as they know what it is to have a person who cares for them….