It was way back in 2003,When we were all out of the college & were either placed or being in the process of hunting for a job . A typical day would start at around 5 30 in the morning , when all would assemble at either of Natesa Nagar mottai madi and would play a great game of cricket ,this would go on till 9 .
After an interval of say 2 hours all would again confluence at place for the never ending brain biting literature sessions laced with ultimate comedies . This would be wound up say at 4 ,when people shift to out doors ,and the hands that held the cards would start wielding the ball and bat.
This would continue till 7 , people would disperse soon after ,only to reassemble at the park at 9 .Long chat sessions on job,Interviews,movies ,out bound visits would soon churn out , and this 2 kms walk would have taken us to the “ Happy Cool Inn “ by then .
All would treat themselves with the great Fresh Lime ( Rs.5 a glass was the only affordable on at that point of time ) .Walk back and to crash at respective homes only to start the routine ,the very next day .
The Summer of ’03 (I would cherish this the same way as summer of ’69) was indeed a memorable on in all our lives. This was the longest summer hols we had enjoyed.The game of mottai madi was devised in this summer ( Also check http://natrajvenkatraman.blogspot.com/2006/04/tryst-with-mottai-madi-cricket.html) . This summer also bought out all the old chininmates once again back , who otherwise were forced to part or found little time for their buddies ion the 4 long grueling UG .”Kaakha Kaakha” got released . Many started to earn their own first penny in this summer.
After an interval of say 2 hours all would again confluence at place for the never ending brain biting literature sessions laced with ultimate comedies . This would be wound up say at 4 ,when people shift to out doors ,and the hands that held the cards would start wielding the ball and bat.
This would continue till 7 , people would disperse soon after ,only to reassemble at the park at 9 .Long chat sessions on job,Interviews,movies ,out bound visits would soon churn out , and this 2 kms walk would have taken us to the “ Happy Cool Inn “ by then .
All would treat themselves with the great Fresh Lime ( Rs.5 a glass was the only affordable on at that point of time ) .Walk back and to crash at respective homes only to start the routine ,the very next day .
The Summer of ’03 (I would cherish this the same way as summer of ’69) was indeed a memorable on in all our lives. This was the longest summer hols we had enjoyed.The game of mottai madi was devised in this summer ( Also check http://natrajvenkatraman.blogspot.com/2006/04/tryst-with-mottai-madi-cricket.html) . This summer also bought out all the old chininmates once again back , who otherwise were forced to part or found little time for their buddies ion the 4 long grueling UG .”Kaakha Kaakha” got released . Many started to earn their own first penny in this summer.